There are two people in a dingy; the passenger and the rower. Which one are you?
Maine A La Carte Reale Estate LLC gives you the option
Welcome to Maine A La Carte Real Estate!
Proudly offering traditional and flat fee
real estate services for all of MAINE
MLS Residential LISTING = $795!
NECPE Commercial LISTING = $795!
MLS Vacant Land LISTING = $295!
It is our belief that the "Seller" should have a choice in how actively they
play a part in the sale of their own home
We give Sellers that option!
You get to decide upfront:
A. Pay a percentage
B. pay a flat fee
C. pay a la carte: fee-for-service
Thinking of selling?
Try our method and you'll save thousands
CALL TODAY (207) 370-7495
Our Service Territories

Pop: 107k Med Home Price: $192k

Pop: 290k Med Home Price: $247k

Pop: 201k Med Home Price: $339k

Pop: 57k Med Home Price: $180k

Pop: 153k Med Home Price: $164k

Pop: 39k Med Home Price: 230k

Pop: 30k Med Home Price: $179k

Pop: 51k Med Home Price: $135k

Pop: 35k Med Home Price: $290

Diana Corbett
I wanted to give buyers and sellers a "more hands-on" real estate alternative.
With this process, I will only get paid for the work I complete. This system will save my clients thousands!